Gabe celebrated Nana's birthday tonight at the Grey Stone. He's such a good boy!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We have a crawler
Well the weekly updates are a thing of the past :) Now that Gabe is crawling, there is very little "down time"! Around 7 months, he started crawling like a fool! He can move across the room very quickly. He is also sitting on his own and babbling. He says baba, dada, mama, and all sorts of other things. We like to think he knows he's saying dada and mama but we're not sure yet!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
28 Weeks

Okay, taking a break from the scrapblog...
Gabe is now 28 weeks old. We really can't believe how big he is!
He had his 6 month checkup at the pediatrician and he weighed in at 17.3 pounds and 27 inches long. He is still in the 75th percentile.
He is army crawling around like crazy and can gain some serious ground very quickly. He isn't quite sitting up alone yet but he can sit with some help.
We think he's still teething even though no teeth have emerged :)
He's now tried quite a variety of foods:
Butternut Squash
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans
Sweet Peas
25 Weeks
I'm just starting to work with so please excuse any "rookie" mistakes.
I think it's a fun way to give weekly updates.
At 25 weeks, Gabe is more fun every day. He is really starting to "talk" and we really look forward to his first words.
He's still eating solid foods - loving green beans and making faces at peaches and pears!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
24 Weeks
Since the AAP recommends exclusive breastmilk for
the first 6 months and Gabe has been growing quite
sucessfully from drinking that alone, we waited until
24 weeks to give him any sort of food.
He is DEFINITELY ready, always watching us eat
and wanting to put food in his mouth.
We want him to have a healthy diet and not love junk
food like we do :) We realize that as he gets older he will
want to eat a cookie or a french fry, but for quite some time
only healthy things will enter his little body!
If he can only fit a certain amount of food, we want it to be
Well we started with butternut squash. I made it and mixed
in a little breastmilk so there was something familiar. It gave
him the chills. We figured it was mean of me to start him with
butternut squash when he would have clearly enjoyed a yummy
banana more. See below, that is not the case, haha!
We tend to think that he's just unsure of all food
in general. I read somewhere that babies have to try
each food 10-12 times before they develop a like or dislike.
Part of what we'll feed him is fresh food in a puree form (we
also have some jarred food which will also work just as well
when I don't have all this spare time to make his food!).
We are also going to incorporate some Baby Led Weaning.
This is where you give the food to the baby and they
explore/eat on their own. It was fun to watch but just like
the butternut squash, the bananas gave him the chills!
the first 6 months and Gabe has been growing quite
sucessfully from drinking that alone, we waited until
24 weeks to give him any sort of food.
He is DEFINITELY ready, always watching us eat
and wanting to put food in his mouth.
We want him to have a healthy diet and not love junk
food like we do :) We realize that as he gets older he will
want to eat a cookie or a french fry, but for quite some time
only healthy things will enter his little body!
If he can only fit a certain amount of food, we want it to be
Well we started with butternut squash. I made it and mixed
in a little breastmilk so there was something familiar. It gave
him the chills. We figured it was mean of me to start him with
butternut squash when he would have clearly enjoyed a yummy
banana more. See below, that is not the case, haha!
We tend to think that he's just unsure of all food
in general. I read somewhere that babies have to try
each food 10-12 times before they develop a like or dislike.
Part of what we'll feed him is fresh food in a puree form (we
also have some jarred food which will also work just as well
when I don't have all this spare time to make his food!).
We are also going to incorporate some Baby Led Weaning.
This is where you give the food to the baby and they
explore/eat on their own. It was fun to watch but just like
the butternut squash, the bananas gave him the chills!

23 Weeks!
Gabe is really getting big. It's crazy how large
he is compared to when we brought him home.
What's new this week is he is always playing with his
Also, Gabe has started to sleep in his crib. See picture
below for rationale.
We really prefer him in with us but he's getting too big!
He's doing better every day and I think it's harder on
Mommy & Daddy than Gabe!

he is compared to when we brought him home.
What's new this week is he is always playing with his
below for rationale.
We really prefer him in with us but he's getting too big!
He's doing better every day and I think it's harder on
Mommy & Daddy than Gabe!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
22 Weeks
We have a belly sleeper! Gabe has been trying
to sleep on his side/belly for quite some time now
but he's really on the belly most of the time.
It makes mommy incredibly nervous but I know he
can now push himself up on his hands, so I try to relax!
He also is discovering his feet. His feet are coming
up to his mouth quite a bit and he likes playing
with them.
He's also sleeping unswaddled as of this week.
We didn't feel comfortable keeping him in the
Woombie on his belly.
He's so big and sweet!

to sleep on his side/belly for quite some time now
but he's really on the belly most of the time.
It makes mommy incredibly nervous but I know he
can now push himself up on his hands, so I try to relax!
He also is discovering his feet. His feet are coming
up to his mouth quite a bit and he likes playing
with them.
He's also sleeping unswaddled as of this week.
We didn't feel comfortable keeping him in the
Woombie on his belly.
He's so big and sweet!
21 Weeks
Gabe is 21 weeks! He's doing so great.
He is laughing uncontrollably at Taylor.
Whenever she stands over him he giggles.
He's also grabbing her face and squeezing really
hard. She's very tolerant and doesn't seem to mind.
We took Gabe on his first trip to Cabela's. He really
seemed to enjoy watching the fish swim in the pond!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
20 Weeks
Saturday, May 15, 2010
19 Weeks
May 11, 2010
Well I went back to work the day before Gabe
turned 19 weeks. It's really hard and I miss
him all day :(
But the year is almost over!
We had him to the doctor on Tuesday for his
4 month checkup. He weighs 15.5 pounds and
is 25 inches long! Still in the 75th percentile.
He got his second round of shots and his
doctor said he is very healthy. We will wait until
he is 6 months to start any kind of food since the
AAP recommends waiting. He's clearly having
no problem growing!
Dr. B. also wanted us to start babyproofing!
She said he'll be mobile before we know it!
How scary :( He's getting too big!
Here he is after his shots with the Snoopy Band Aids:

Well I went back to work the day before Gabe
turned 19 weeks. It's really hard and I miss
him all day :(
But the year is almost over!
We had him to the doctor on Tuesday for his
4 month checkup. He weighs 15.5 pounds and
is 25 inches long! Still in the 75th percentile.
He got his second round of shots and his
doctor said he is very healthy. We will wait until
he is 6 months to start any kind of food since the
AAP recommends waiting. He's clearly having
no problem growing!
Dr. B. also wanted us to start babyproofing!
She said he'll be mobile before we know it!
How scary :( He's getting too big!
Here he is after his shots with the Snoopy Band Aids:

18 Weeks and 10 Years!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Gabe's Christening & 17 Weeks
Gabe's Christening:
On April 18, 2010 Gabe was baptized at
the Church of St. Patrick.
This church most reminded me of the
church I went to my whole life,
St. Ignatius. Plus, they were very
welcoming and understanding of our
unique situation.
Gabe's Godparents are Adam and Erin.
The day went great. Gabe slept through
most of the mass and then we changed him in the
pew after mass. His gown is the Daniel
gown from Kissy Kissy and was a gift from
his Godmother, Erin.
We realize he's wearing a bonnet and a skirt
but I especially like the tradition of the
christening so we had to do it :)
He did fantastic during the ceremony, just
staring at Msgr. O'Connor the whole time.
After we had a luncheon at Roma.
Thanks to extremely generous gifts, we are
able to make a substantial deposit in his TAP 529
account to save for college. He also got a bible and
a monogram tie tack from Nana and Zeide. I still
need to take pictures of those.

17 Weeks:
Gabe is getting so big. He's really
starting to grab at things and pick them up.
He's also much more verbal. He's "talking"
all the time. He is belly lauging a lot too, it's
so cute.

On April 18, 2010 Gabe was baptized at
the Church of St. Patrick.
This church most reminded me of the
church I went to my whole life,
St. Ignatius. Plus, they were very
welcoming and understanding of our
unique situation.
Gabe's Godparents are Adam and Erin.
The day went great. Gabe slept through
most of the mass and then we changed him in the
pew after mass. His gown is the Daniel
gown from Kissy Kissy and was a gift from
his Godmother, Erin.
We realize he's wearing a bonnet and a skirt
but I especially like the tradition of the
christening so we had to do it :)
He did fantastic during the ceremony, just
staring at Msgr. O'Connor the whole time.
After we had a luncheon at Roma.
Thanks to extremely generous gifts, we are
able to make a substantial deposit in his TAP 529
account to save for college. He also got a bible and
a monogram tie tack from Nana and Zeide. I still
need to take pictures of those.
17 Weeks:
Gabe is getting so big. He's really
starting to grab at things and pick them up.
He's also much more verbal. He's "talking"
all the time. He is belly lauging a lot too, it's
so cute.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
15 & 16 Weeks
15 Weeks:
We have a big boy! He is really starting to love
his puppy. And seems like she is loving him even
more. They are pretty much right next to each
other all day long!
Gabe is rolling over all the time from his back
to his belly. Once in a while he can roll back
to his back again but he usually gets stuck!

16 Weeks:
There he is with his buddy again!
This week Gabe has been giggling and
we love it. He will laugh quite a bit
and needs more and more attention.
We don't mind :)

We have a big boy! He is really starting to love
his puppy. And seems like she is loving him even
more. They are pretty much right next to each
other all day long!
Gabe is rolling over all the time from his back
to his belly. Once in a while he can roll back
to his back again but he usually gets stuck!
16 Weeks:
There he is with his buddy again!
This week Gabe has been giggling and
we love it. He will laugh quite a bit
and needs more and more attention.
We don't mind :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
14 Weeks
I have been slacking big time on the blog updates
but I'm finally caught up and will try to update
weekly from now on!
Gabe is 14 weeks today, April 6, 2010!
He's rolling from his back to his side and even onto
his belly but his arm keeps him from going all the
way on his tummy.
We still swaddle him for bed but he's breaking out
by the morning.
This is just a cute pic of his feet with our
wedding rings:

Here is his first Easter at Aunt Patty and Uncle
Phil's! He wore his Janie and Jack outfit that
Nana got him.
Aunt Patty and Uncle Phil got him a dancing bunny
that sings Peter Cottontail and Nan got him a learning
but I'm finally caught up and will try to update
weekly from now on!
Gabe is 14 weeks today, April 6, 2010!
He's rolling from his back to his side and even onto
his belly but his arm keeps him from going all the
way on his tummy.
We still swaddle him for bed but he's breaking out
by the morning.
This is just a cute pic of his feet with our
wedding rings:
Here is his first Easter at Aunt Patty and Uncle
Phil's! He wore his Janie and Jack outfit that
Nana got him.
Aunt Patty and Uncle Phil got him a dancing bunny
that sings Peter Cottontail and Nan got him a learning
a gigantic basket full of books, toys, and food.
Plus a really cool "my first toolbench", Daddy likes!
a basket with a toy and book and a Notre Dame
more fun every single day!
Eleven & Twelve Weeks - THREE MONTHS!
Eleven Weeks:
Look at this cutie pie!
His shirt says "Loves to organize"
which we are sure will be true!
He has found his hands too!
Twelve Weeks:
Gabe's newest thing is kicking his socks off!
He prefers bare feet!
Three Months!!!
Look at this cutie pie!
His shirt says "Loves to organize"
which we are sure will be true!
He has found his hands too!
Gabe's newest thing is kicking his socks off!
He prefers bare feet!
We cannot believe how big our boy is now!
He's already 3 months old and has a best friend:
Nine & Ten Weeks
Nine Weeks:
Gabe is now putting his thumb in his mouth!
He's not sucking on it, but just sticking it
in there.
This is one of the only times he looks like
Mommy not Daddy, so we have to post it:

Ten Weeks:
He's getting to be a big boy now!
He weighed 12 pounds 6 ounces at the
last doctor appointment.
75th percentile for height and weight.
Gabe is now putting his thumb in his mouth!
He's not sucking on it, but just sticking it
in there.
This is one of the only times he looks like
Mommy not Daddy, so we have to post it:
Ten Weeks:
He's getting to be a big boy now!
He weighed 12 pounds 6 ounces at the
last doctor appointment.
75th percentile for height and weight.
Six, Seven, Eight
Six Weeks:
Gabe is starting to become a little person!
He makes gurgles and sounds!
Seven Weeks:
We have real tears :(
It's so sad.
Eight Weeks/Two Months:
Gabe has found his hand and puts his fist in
his mouth and sucks on it.
He also had his first laugh, laying on
Daddy's belly!
Gabe is starting to become a little person!
He makes gurgles and sounds!
Seven Weeks:
We have real tears :(
It's so sad.
Eight Weeks/Two Months:
Gabe has found his hand and puts his fist in
his mouth and sucks on it.
He also had his first laugh, laying on
Daddy's belly!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Five Weeks
Four Weeks/One Month
The first month went by so fast!
He is more alert at one month, staying
He had his checkup at the doctor and weighed in at
9 pounds 11 ounces.
We took Gabe for his first "outing" to Roma on a Friday.
This pic is from his first trip to Roma:
awake longer during the day.
His Bubba finally got a chance to hold him.
And now that the umbilical cord has fallen off and
healed, he got his first bath and he LOVED it!
Daddy pretty much gave it to him, Mommy took
the pictures!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Three Weeks
Two Weeks
Gabe got a pretty afghan in the mail from the Sodaros!
Aunt Patty, Uncle Phil, Eric, and Amanda came to visit.
A personalized book from Pottery Barn is on the way for
Uncle Adam and Daddy try on Gabe's hats.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Lili brought a rattle from Tiffany's!
More visitors:
Eric Lipton
Nan (Gabe's great grandmother!)

The photo above is Gabe at two weeks old!
Aunt Patty, Uncle Phil, Eric, and Amanda came to visit.
A personalized book from Pottery Barn is on the way for
Uncle Adam and Daddy try on Gabe's hats.
Uncle Adam and Aunt Lili brought a rattle from Tiffany's!
More visitors:
Eric Lipton
Nan (Gabe's great grandmother!)
One Week
Gabe's first week of life:
Spent the first 3 days of life in Pottsville Hospital and got
many visitors:
Uncle Adam
Aunt Lili
Aunt Patty
Hopefully I didn't forget anyone :)
We were discharged on December 31, 2009,
New Year's Eve. It was snowing!
We drove home very slowly :) Taylor was
very excited to meet her "brother".
Spent the first 3 days of life in Pottsville Hospital and got
many visitors:
Uncle Adam
Aunt Lili
Aunt Patty
Hopefully I didn't forget anyone :)
We were discharged on December 31, 2009,
New Year's Eve. It was snowing!
We drove home very slowly :) Taylor was
very excited to meet her "brother".
- Newborn clothes and diapers were big.
- Umbilical cord and circumcision still healing
- Gabe loves being swaddled and we call him our little burrito.
- Nana and Zeide got him a silver baseball spoon from Tiffany's
- He watched his first Eagles game with his Eagles onesie (they lost!)
- His favorite outfit is the reindeer one piece Sean & Lynn brought, so warm!
More visitors at home:
Sean & Lynn
Aunt Erin
Amy & Jer
Here Gabe is at one week old with Daddy:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Baby Lipton = Gabriel Daniel Lipton
Well Baby Lipton is here! We named him Gabriel Daniel.
Here's the "birth story":
I went into the doctor for my last appointment
on Monday 12/28. Dr. Z asked when we were
going to have this baby and we all agreed to have
him the next day!
I was told to go to the hospital for 6:00am on
Tuesday 12/29. I was up all night the night
before. It was a really windy night and between
the wind and the excitement, I couldn't sleep.
We arrived at the hospital and it was snowing
and the parking lot was covered! We checked in
at Labor and Delivery at 6:00am and were sent
to the room.
I got changed while Nate went to admissions and
checked me in. The nurse put the IV in and hooked
me up to the blood pressure monitor. We waited from
6:00am to 7:30am.
At 7:30am, the midwife came in and checked me. I
was 4cm dilated. She broke my water and started
the pitocin drip.
I made it until about 8:30am before the pain was
too much. I asked for the epidural and by 9:00am
the anesthesiologist had come and put it in. The
epidural did not hurt at all and WOW was it great.
From there on, Nate watched TV and I dozed in and
out of sleep. The only problem I had was my blood
pressure dropping a little from the epidural, but it was
nothing major. The nurse came in to check me at 11am
and I was 9.5 cm dilated! She said I could push now,
but if I waited a while (since I wasn't in pain) he might
move down and make pushing easier.
Dr. G came in at 12:00pm and told us it was time to
push. I pushed for about 45 minutes and then Dr. G
and the resident doctor put on their gowns to get
ready for delivery. The nurse was on one side, Nate
was on the other and the two doctors were ready
to catch :)
There were also two other nurses in the room that
were ready to take Gabe and get him checked out
as soon as he arrived.
After a few more rounds of pushing, Gabe arrived
at 1:02pm on 12/29/09. As soon as he was born,
they put him on my stomach and Nate and I were
amazed with him! After a few minutes the nurses
took him a few feet away to the warming station
and Nate went with him while I stayed in the bed.
Then they brought him over and we had our first
attempt at breastfeeding. After that I got a shower
and they took Gabe to the nursery and found out
he was 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long!
Then we moved to the recovery suite and waited
for him!
That's all for now, he just started crying so
blogging time is up! :)
Here's his entry into the world. The girl is the
resident doctor and the gloved hand is Dr. G.
The bare hand cutting the cord is Daddy!

Here is our first shot as a family! I am
looking ROUGH! What do you expect!?

In the recovery suite after he was all
cleaned up and with his handmade hat:
Here he is! Chubby cheeks and
healthy as can be!

Here's the "birth story":
I went into the doctor for my last appointment
on Monday 12/28. Dr. Z asked when we were
going to have this baby and we all agreed to have
him the next day!
I was told to go to the hospital for 6:00am on
Tuesday 12/29. I was up all night the night
before. It was a really windy night and between
the wind and the excitement, I couldn't sleep.
We arrived at the hospital and it was snowing
and the parking lot was covered! We checked in
at Labor and Delivery at 6:00am and were sent
to the room.
I got changed while Nate went to admissions and
checked me in. The nurse put the IV in and hooked
me up to the blood pressure monitor. We waited from
6:00am to 7:30am.
At 7:30am, the midwife came in and checked me. I
was 4cm dilated. She broke my water and started
the pitocin drip.
I made it until about 8:30am before the pain was
too much. I asked for the epidural and by 9:00am
the anesthesiologist had come and put it in. The
epidural did not hurt at all and WOW was it great.
From there on, Nate watched TV and I dozed in and
out of sleep. The only problem I had was my blood
pressure dropping a little from the epidural, but it was
nothing major. The nurse came in to check me at 11am
and I was 9.5 cm dilated! She said I could push now,
but if I waited a while (since I wasn't in pain) he might
move down and make pushing easier.
Dr. G came in at 12:00pm and told us it was time to
push. I pushed for about 45 minutes and then Dr. G
and the resident doctor put on their gowns to get
ready for delivery. The nurse was on one side, Nate
was on the other and the two doctors were ready
to catch :)
There were also two other nurses in the room that
were ready to take Gabe and get him checked out
as soon as he arrived.
After a few more rounds of pushing, Gabe arrived
at 1:02pm on 12/29/09. As soon as he was born,
they put him on my stomach and Nate and I were
amazed with him! After a few minutes the nurses
took him a few feet away to the warming station
and Nate went with him while I stayed in the bed.
Then they brought him over and we had our first
attempt at breastfeeding. After that I got a shower
and they took Gabe to the nursery and found out
he was 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long!
Then we moved to the recovery suite and waited
for him!
That's all for now, he just started crying so
blogging time is up! :)
Here's his entry into the world. The girl is the
resident doctor and the gloved hand is Dr. G.
The bare hand cutting the cord is Daddy!
Here is our first shot as a family! I am
looking ROUGH! What do you expect!?
In the recovery suite after he was all
cleaned up and with his handmade hat:
Here he is! Chubby cheeks and
healthy as can be!
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