Here's the "birth story":
I went into the doctor for my last appointment
on Monday 12/28. Dr. Z asked when we were
going to have this baby and we all agreed to have
him the next day!
I was told to go to the hospital for 6:00am on
Tuesday 12/29. I was up all night the night
before. It was a really windy night and between
the wind and the excitement, I couldn't sleep.
We arrived at the hospital and it was snowing
and the parking lot was covered! We checked in
at Labor and Delivery at 6:00am and were sent
to the room.
I got changed while Nate went to admissions and
checked me in. The nurse put the IV in and hooked
me up to the blood pressure monitor. We waited from
6:00am to 7:30am.
At 7:30am, the midwife came in and checked me. I
was 4cm dilated. She broke my water and started
the pitocin drip.
I made it until about 8:30am before the pain was
too much. I asked for the epidural and by 9:00am
the anesthesiologist had come and put it in. The
epidural did not hurt at all and WOW was it great.
From there on, Nate watched TV and I dozed in and
out of sleep. The only problem I had was my blood
pressure dropping a little from the epidural, but it was
nothing major. The nurse came in to check me at 11am
and I was 9.5 cm dilated! She said I could push now,
but if I waited a while (since I wasn't in pain) he might
move down and make pushing easier.
Dr. G came in at 12:00pm and told us it was time to
push. I pushed for about 45 minutes and then Dr. G
and the resident doctor put on their gowns to get
ready for delivery. The nurse was on one side, Nate
was on the other and the two doctors were ready
to catch :)
There were also two other nurses in the room that
were ready to take Gabe and get him checked out
as soon as he arrived.
After a few more rounds of pushing, Gabe arrived
at 1:02pm on 12/29/09. As soon as he was born,
they put him on my stomach and Nate and I were
amazed with him! After a few minutes the nurses
took him a few feet away to the warming station
and Nate went with him while I stayed in the bed.
Then they brought him over and we had our first
attempt at breastfeeding. After that I got a shower
and they took Gabe to the nursery and found out
he was 7lbs 14oz and 20 inches long!
Then we moved to the recovery suite and waited
for him!
That's all for now, he just started crying so
blogging time is up! :)
Here's his entry into the world. The girl is the
resident doctor and the gloved hand is Dr. G.
The bare hand cutting the cord is Daddy!
Here is our first shot as a family! I am
looking ROUGH! What do you expect!?
In the recovery suite after he was all
cleaned up and with his handmade hat:
Here he is! Chubby cheeks and
healthy as can be!