Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gabe's Christening & 17 Weeks

Gabe's Christening:

On April 18, 2010 Gabe was baptized at
the Church of St. Patrick.

This church most reminded me of the
church I went to my whole life,
St. Ignatius. Plus, they were very
welcoming and understanding of our
unique situation.

Gabe's Godparents are Adam and Erin.

The day went great. Gabe slept through
most of the mass and then we changed him in the
pew after mass. His gown is the Daniel
gown from Kissy Kissy and was a gift from
his Godmother, Erin.

We realize he's wearing a bonnet and a skirt
but I especially like the tradition of the
christening so we had to do it :)

He did fantastic during the ceremony, just
staring at Msgr. O'Connor the whole time.

After we had a luncheon at Roma.

Thanks to extremely generous gifts, we are
able to make a substantial deposit in his TAP 529
account to save for college. He also got a bible and
a monogram tie tack from Nana and Zeide. I still
need to take pictures of those.

17 Weeks:

Gabe is getting so big. He's really
starting to grab at things and pick them up.

He's also much more verbal. He's "talking"
all the time. He is belly lauging a lot too, it's
so cute.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

15 & 16 Weeks

15 Weeks:

We have a big boy! He is really starting to love
his puppy. And seems like she is loving him even
more. They are pretty much right next to each
other all day long!

Gabe is rolling over all the time from his back
to his belly. Once in a while he can roll back
to his back again but he usually gets stuck!

16 Weeks:

There he is with his buddy again!

This week Gabe has been giggling and
we love it. He will laugh quite a bit
and needs more and more attention.
We don't mind :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

14 Weeks

I have been slacking big time on the blog updates
but I'm finally caught up and will try to update
weekly from now on!

Gabe is 14 weeks today, April 6, 2010!

He's rolling from his back to his side and even onto
his belly but his arm keeps him from going all the
way on his tummy.

We still swaddle him for bed but he's breaking out
by the morning.

This is just a cute pic of his feet with our
wedding rings:

Here is his first Easter at Aunt Patty and Uncle
Phil's! He wore his Janie and Jack outfit that
Nana got him.

Aunt Patty and Uncle Phil got him a dancing bunny
that sings Peter Cottontail and Nan got him a learning

Nana and Zeide spoiled him as usual! He got
a gigantic basket full of books, toys, and food.
Plus a really cool "my first toolbench", Daddy likes!

Mommy and Daddy got him a learning chick,
a basket with a toy and book and a Notre Dame

We can't believe how big he is getting and he's
more fun every single day!

Eleven & Twelve Weeks - THREE MONTHS!

Eleven Weeks:

Look at this cutie pie!

His shirt says "Loves to organize"
which we are sure will be true!

He has found his hands too!

Twelve Weeks:

Gabe's newest thing is kicking his socks off!
He prefers bare feet!

Three Months!!!

We cannot believe how big our boy is now!

He's already 3 months old and has a best friend:

Nine & Ten Weeks

Nine Weeks:

Gabe is now putting his thumb in his mouth!
He's not sucking on it, but just sticking it
in there.

This is one of the only times he looks like
Mommy not Daddy, so we have to post it:

Ten Weeks:

He's getting to be a big boy now!

He weighed 12 pounds 6 ounces at the
last doctor appointment.

75th percentile for height and weight.

Six, Seven, Eight

Six Weeks:

Gabe is starting to become a little person!
He makes gurgles and sounds!

Seven Weeks:

We have real tears :(
It's so sad.

Eight Weeks/Two Months:

Gabe has found his hand and puts his fist in
his mouth and sucks on it.

He also had his first laugh, laying on
Daddy's belly!