Friday, June 26, 2009

First Trimester COMPLETE!

We are finished with the first trimester! Here is the picture from the 12 week ultrasound:

At our appointment on June 15, 2009, we first had another ultrasound. The baby did not want to move around so the ultrasound technician could perform the scan to test for abnormalities. I had to cough and and eventually the baby moved around for us and we got a good, healthy measurement. The heartbeat was 168 and he or she is about 2 inches long.

We also had bloodwork, which is part of the test for abnormalities (came back good, too!) and met with the mid-wife.

Next appointment is a "belly check" mid-July. We have no idea what this is :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

A baby on the way!

On April 23, 2009 . . .

On May 20, 2009, it was medically confirmed:

We are having a baby! The first ultrasound was done
at 7 weeks and 6 days :)

Our due date is December 31, 2009 - perhaps a New
Year's Eve baby. At this appointment they asked a lot
of questions about medical history. We met with our
primary doctor. There are three doctors in the practice
and any of them can deliver the baby when the time comes.
Next we had the first ultrasound. The heartbeat was 170,
which he said is excellent and strong. The baby was measuring
how he/she should be, so everything was great news! !