Wednesday, July 14, 2010

28 Weeks

Okay, taking a break from the scrapblog...

Gabe is now 28 weeks old. We really can't believe how big he is!

He had his 6 month checkup at the pediatrician and he weighed in at 17.3 pounds and 27 inches long. He is still in the 75th percentile.

He is army crawling around like crazy and can gain some serious ground very quickly. He isn't quite sitting up alone yet but he can sit with some help.

We think he's still teething even though no teeth have emerged :)

He's now tried quite a variety of foods:
Butternut Squash
Sweet Potatoes
Green Beans
Sweet Peas

27 Weeks

26 Weeks

25 Weeks

I'm just starting to work with so please excuse any "rookie" mistakes.
I think it's a fun way to give weekly updates.

At 25 weeks, Gabe is more fun every day. He is really starting to "talk" and we really look forward to his first words.

He's still eating solid foods - loving green beans and making faces at peaches and pears!